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Plants and Trees

They are the reason we can breathe. Their existence enabled not only our own but all other oxygen reliant creatures of this planet. No matter how how much we evolve, we will always have an inseparable bond with the plants and trees of this world.

Their patient, ever vigilant existence watching over us like silent guardians bound to an eternal pact.

I find their colours and textures that shape and shift over the seasons to be the most magical thing of all about them.
Their splendor throughout the years is never a fixed thing and even the same tree will look different from one spring to the next. Some are simply for show to ensure their offspring will be fertilized and carry of their gene. Some are whole ecosystems in themselves, giving shelter and sustenance to the creatures that inhabit them in exchange for protection or pest control. There are even some most beautiful with the most cruel and ruthless of design to slowly suffocate and destroy other plants around them.

Wild, untamed and given half a chance, they can thrive in the most unimaginable of places.

It is with great sorrow that I can only watch most times when these wondrous and defenseless beings are cleared in the name of human production and progress.
They who have been here since before our existence would surely have such wonderful knowledge and surely the best stories to pass on.
It is in our hands to create a future in which they still exist.

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